
dt: 09/09/2024

For computers

Technology should be explored for the love of it and for the fun of it, rather than for the sake of it.
You own a computer. That's a big deal. You have access to the internet. That connects you to the whole world. You have Wikipedia. That's information on the tips of your fingers.
Anyone who is interested in programming should definitely read "How To Become A Hacker".

After reading this, if you too want to make a website like this one you are on or the one visited of Eric Steven Raymond, this "Rediscovering the small web" might give you some more inspiration.

Let it be anything—rocks, your opinion on which paper size is perfect, or your thoughts. Your little about page. Curate it on the internet. You never know who they end up being helpful to. It might help someone who has similar interests as you to reach out to you. Also, I don't think it's boring to maintain your personal site. It's a very fun task.

I really love this hackernews comment:
Be infinitely curious and playful without bounds. Try to break things, use things improperly, dig deeper and void warranties. Coloring outside the lines and then some. Find a tribe. If there isn't one, start one. Dent the universe, or at least have a good time and live it up.